2020年對全世界來說都是一個非常年。我一家自2005年一直在偏遠的山區服事,父母則在千里迢迢之外。後來得知我父親患上新冠肺炎,醫院已經通知療程無效,讓我們做好準備父親後事,及火化。我身為長子,必須為年邁老母作主。我深怕老母不能承擔此痛,但我又去不到父母那兒,心裡的焦慮徬徨無助是非筆墨所能形容的。我只能如往常一樣上雪山禱告。我懇求天上爸爸憐憫我地上爸爸,因為他還未信主。我2004年為響應主的呼召,我爸和我斷絕了父子關係。“爸爸,求祢再給我地上爸爸一次機會接受祢….” 這些年來我每次和地上爸爸分享福音,他就把我給趕出去。但這次天上爸爸真的應允了我的禱告,不但把我地上爸爸從肉體死亡邊緣救了回來,更將他從屬靈死亡邊緣給拉了回來:我爸起死回生了,也信主了!我心存萬分感恩主耶穌,也感激前線醫務人員以及不放棄的成千上萬的無名英雄英雌們,僅寫了這首歌來感謝他們,也鼓勵大家不要放棄,在疫情期間繼續活出福音,為神做美好的見證,成為這病痛世界裡愛的化身。
I believe calm will come after the storm
heart can mend after it has been torn
Out of ashes phoenix will rise unless we kill it hope never dies
Though the night has been dark the road has been long
God can still bring good out of this wrong
When you are cut off from the rest
will the fire bring out your worst or your best?
will the fire bring out your worst or your best?
Here's to the doctors who've served in front line
Here's to the workers who in darkness shine
You are Love's grace in this world
Here's to the mothers who've laid down their life
Here's to the husbands who've carried their wife
You are Love's face in this world
Here's to the fathers who stay in the ring
Here's to the angels who've broken their wings
Here's to the servants who stand in the gap
Here's to the heroes who stick out their neck
You are Love's name in this world
Here's to all who've loved till the end
Here's to all who are lifting your hands
You are Love's heart in this world