我是一隻鳥兒 I am a bird 可以在天空飛翔 I flew in the sky 自由的呼吸 歡唱 Freely I could breathe and sing 可是我漸漸成長 But as I grew up 往返迷失方向 I was lost in the sky 為了生存 不得不堅強 I had to be strong in order to survive 疲憊麻木的心漸漸衰亡 The heart, exhausted and numb, was coming to die 不斷勞作迴圈無望 Hopelessness grew in repetitive toil 無奈傷悴變為尋常 Helplessness became my heart’s soil 直到祂告訴我 Until He told me 直到祂告訴我 Until He tells me 要等候祂的來訪 to wait for his visitation 靠著祂得力量 Rely on Him as fortification 直到聽到祂說 Until I hear Him saying 你必如鷹展翅上騰 “You shall mount up with wings like eagles” 必重獲生命的亮光 The light of life in you shall kindle 我是一隻鳥兒 I am a bird 可以在天空飛翔 I flew in the sky 自由的呼吸 歡唱 Freely I could breathe and sing 俯身看到深淵萬丈 I glimpse down the abyss 嘗試著再次飛翔 trying to fly once more 卻張不開翅膀 Yet my wings cannot spread as before 我蜷縮在黑暗裡 I curl up in the darkness 嘗試著擺脫虛晃 Trying to get rid of emptiness 卻只有哭泣和無望 But I remain cheerless and hopeless 直到祂為了我 Until He does it for me 直到祂為了我 Until He does it for me 甘願捨棄祂自己 He gave himself willingly 生命有了新的盼望 In my life the New Hope bursts 祂看顧安慰我 He cares and he comforts 捧住我的臉頰 He lifts up my face 擦乾我的眼淚和痛傷 removing my tears and pain 我仍舊需要堅強 Yes I still need to be strong 但靠著那位與我同行的神 But by the God who walks with me 自由的呼吸 自由的歡唱 Freely I get to breathe; freely I get to sing 我是一隻鳥兒 I am a bird 再一次學會飛翔 Once more I can open my wings 得到了愛的永長 For I’ve got Love enduring
《鳥兒》這首這首歌像講故事一樣,也是自己親身的經歷的描寫。我像一隻因為經歷了太多痛傷而懼怕的,翅膀受傷不敢起飛的鳥兒,因著主耶穌基督大能的拯救和恩典,依靠主而能夠重新自由的飛翔。正如以賽亞書40章31節所說“但那等候耶和華的必重新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。” 我希望我所有的創作有福音的資訊,特別這首作品是作為預備傳福音的音樂,給一些慕道友聽,希望他們也能知道這樣的蛻變是因為經歷神的大能恩典。我願一生在主的殿中事奉,靠主得恩得力。