Jesus You died on the cross for us You paid the price and took our sins away You gave Your all so freely, unreserved You loved us more than what we could deserve Jesus You're the way the truth the life You showed us how to love and to forgive You see our hearts, You know our every thought You break the chains, and set us free again Jesus You're the light and world to me I lift my hands and I will sing You're the only one for me Jesus make me the light of the world Let me shine for Your glory LORD Let me love You more each day Jesus make me the light of the world Let me shine for Your glory LORD Let me love You more each day 十架上 祢犧牲了自己 為了將 我罪都洗乾淨 祢不保留 把一切都給我 我不配得 祢如此的愛我 祢就是 道路真理生命 因著祢 學會愛的真諦 祢最懂我 祢看見我的心 不再綑綁 祢叫我得自由 耶穌祢是光 是我一切 我舉起手向祢讚美 一生要在祢身邊 耶穌我為你作光作鹽 只求祢的榮耀彰顯 每天更愛祢一些
Wrote this song 5 years ago on an Easter Sunday. That was when I started sharing my music publicly online though I was still a pharmacy student, and I realized I really wanted to pursue my music dream. I knew this path would never be easy, so I wrote this to remind myself if I ever get lost on the way, come back to this song and remember what I'm doing this for. 5 years later, here I am, living my dreams. I moved back to Taiwan after graduation, and I've just had my first album debut. God has given me so much and blessed me with so many opportunities, but I just can't help feeling lost. So I come back to this song. May we all find our light and be the light. Grateful to share this song and my music with you. 五年前我寫了這首歌。那陣子剛好開始上傳一些我的原創音樂到網路上。雖然那時只是一個在加拿大讀藥學的學生,我卻發現我越來越想朝著音樂的夢想前進。我一直都知道這條路不容易,所以在那年的復活主日,我寫了這首歌,提醒自己為什麼而奮鬥。 五年後的今天,我是正在活出我的夢想的。 我搬回台灣,終於發了第一張專輯。我知道我擁有的已經很多,但我卻總是忍不住感到迷茫... 於是我回到了這首歌。 願我們都能找到屬於我們的光。 也成為照亮別人的光。