Verse 主 是我的亮光 我生命的避難所 Lord, You are my refuge, You're the light that guides my way, 祢何等尊貴 至高可畏 堅固的高臺 Lord, You are worthy, You are mighty, my tow'r and my strength. 主 是我的牧者 我生命隨時安慰 Lord, You are my shepherd, You're my comfort and my shield, 祢是我救主 祢的慈愛 是我的盾牌 Lord, You are saviour, and Your mercies are never ending. Pre-chorus 抬頭吧 救贖者來臨 來宣告 瞎眼都能看見 Lift your eyes, redemption is here, Love so bright, even the blind can see, 罪的鎖鏈已斷開 祢國度降臨 The chains of sin are broken, Your Kingdom revealed. Chorus 我要一生一世 住在祢聖殿 I will dwell in Your courts for all my days Lord, 我要全心全意 尋求祢面 I will give everything to seek Your face, 我願捨下一切 遵行祢旨意 I surrender my all unto your calling, 將生命 獻上 作活祭 Take this life, a living sacrifice.
大衛貴為王,掌握大權,迎接約櫃時,竟如卑微的婢女般跳舞慶賀,足以證明他對神的敬畏,神才是掌管萬有的王。 他極為渴慕神的同在,渴想一生一世住在主的聖殿,瞻仰神的榮美。 我寫這詩歌為的是記念高天的主反道其行,虛己俯就卑微的我,住在我當中,讓我重生,出黑暗入奇妙光明,叫我怎能不以生命回應主的恩情。